Monday, August 30, 2004

happily holding toady Posted by Hello

It's a boy thing :) Posted by Hello

NO CHEESE!!! Posted by Hello

ready for school! Posted by Hello

Off to School!

The First Day!

Life is full of firsts. First love, first child, first job…today was Eric’s first day of kindergarten! He got to ride the bus to school and I picked him up at noon. This will be our routine for some time now. He seemed to enjoy his day and is ready to go back tomorrow. He had been to the actual school building a few times as they have had several events to introduce them to school busses, the building and so forth. I think that he will do well and has been ready for this next step.
Jesse was very sad to see Eric go, mostly because he was jealous and wanted to ride on the “wellwow bus!” He so wanted to be like his big brother that he insisted on wearing his own little backpack this morning and would not take it off until almost 11:00! When we went to pick Eric up he was again upset that he didn’t get to go on a bus (just rode in the boring Jeep).

It should be an interesting adjustment for all of us. With Eric away in the morning and Jesse napping in the afternoon, I will get more "one-on-one" time with each of the boys. That will be a nice change.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Spotty Toady - the latest edition to the Crownover household Posted by Hello

Saturday, August 21, 2004


It's amazing when you come up with a plan that has about five contingencies for it to happen and they all work out according to what my convoluted and creative mind comes up with on occasion. I'm in the middle of something similar to this at my workplace, so it must just be the stage I'm in right now. Anyway, somehow I managed to end up at my house ALONE for the next couple of days. I don't feel guilty (yet) about it this time either because the boys are busy with adventure going to fun water & amusement parks during this time. Family and friends are also surrounding them for support and shared responsibility.

As for me, I assigned myself of taking my Great Aunts to the airport this morning. It gave us a chance to spend some quality time talking and catching up which has not happened much over my 32+ years. It's interesting to hear an elderly person's perspective about life and family, especially being at a significantly different stage of my life. These two are the younger sisters of my grandmother who is an extremely impressive and active woman of 83 years.

This morning was preceded by a "15 year" high school reunion for me last night. I had not attended the 5 or 10 year event and none of the few folks that I keep in touch with from this stage in my life would willingly come along to the event either. I curiously went anyway and really did enjoy myself. I figured that I have now been out of highschool longer than I was in it and I am definitely in "a different and better place" and this is not my ego talking. Most everyone else that I spoke with was too. Sharing joys, tragedies, having a common recollection or one spawning that you didn't know was still stored in your head can't usually happen just anywhere around anyone. It was a long time that you share this environment which can be viewed both with the good and bad. It's not about how successful you think you or what someone else thinks, it was about caring about other people. We spent so much time together and were then suddenly dispersed in June of 1989. I found it reassuring to learn about the curves and turns others have taken to get them where they are right now. I admit that is taken me a long time to reach this point, the point of caring enough just to show up. Having someone remember who you are and say "I always remember this about you" or "this makes me think of you". It's funny to consider the lasting impression you leave (sometimes unknowingly) vs. what you choose to keep or hold onto yourself.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Trying to Keep Up!

Boy, if that isn't an appropriate title for us, in general. The boys are keeping us busier than ever. It's hard to find the time to tell you about it but we certainly want to share our happenings with you all.

Eric had his first sleepover at his friend Ryan's house Friday night. All went well and he enjoyed it very much. After that, we drove up to a family reunion up north Saturday afternoon. Now Eric, the worldly traveler) is staying at Grammy A's for the week. He had lots of fun playing with his cousin, Jacob (six days younger than he). The big boys liked being "chased" by the little ones although from Jess and Joe's perspective, I think they were just trying to keep up. Either way, all kept VERY busy and had much fun.

Last night on the way back without Eric, we chased the balloon at the Regatta event at Moraine State Park. We got off the exit ramp and had impeccable timing joining in as a chase vehicle. She ended up landing in a nearby campground so it was very exciting and quite the attraction. We kept an overtired Jess up for fireworks which he termed "BIG STARS" and "BIG BOOMS" with many "oohs" and "aahs" and "wows!" It was very cute!

It's brief, but that's our update for now. Hope to have more to report soon (or fill in some of the missing gaps in there). Mis signing off :)

What a DEAR!!! (with Jake & Eric on the prowl in the background) Posted by Hello

the boy swingers: Jacob, Eric, Joey & Jess Posted by Hello

Eric's favorite dinosaur :) Posted by Hello

cousins on the chase :) Posted by Hello

Tuesday, August 03, 2004


The biggest downside to putting off until tomorrow what you could do today is that eventually choosing where to begin becomes an overwhelming task in it’s own right! It has been some time since my last update and I have too many things floating through my mind to write on one concise topic so, this will be a cornucopia of comments, a plethora of paragraphs, a delectable delightful diversion into the depths of my mind (did I mention that I’m also in tired yet giddy mode?).

Quote For The Day: “They eat meat, other dinosaurs and are therapods!” Eric’s response to the nurse asking him what he knows about the T-Rex on his shirt, during his five-year check-up.

Half Way There
Missy and I are both participating in the “Year of the Bible” program through our church. They provided us with a year-long reading schedule and other background information to encourage reading the entire bible in one year. We are no both proud to be over half way there. The schedule is not what I expected as it does not simply start at the beginning and go from there. Rather, each night we read from both the old and new testaments and occasionally have some psalms thrown in for good measure. Missy is more faithful in reading nearly every night. I tend to fall a bit behind but like to read in bigger chunks and then end up ahead of schedule. I must say that I am getting a lot more from the Old Testament than I had thought I might. I also thought that I knew more about what is in the Bible than I really do. It has been a challenging and constructive undertaking for both of us.

The Boys Are Back!
Missy and I had a quiet house last week as the boys spent some time with Grandma and Grandpa Crownover. We had a great time! We went out to eat every night, went to a ball game, a movie, a comedy show at the Improv, rented a motorboat and cruised around a local lake and got to spend a lot of quality time together. There was no yelling or crying, no arguing, no running and stomping through the house, no fighting siblings or screaming, no demands to be held or to be left alone, no toys being left all over the place…boy did we miss them!

We did have a truly wonderful week and we were very ready to have them back after seven full days. It is amazing how you can cherish the time without them and miss them so much in the same moment.

Jesse (now spitting out words left and right) seems to have named my mother and father “Mum” and “Papa” respectively. I guess mom tried to get him to say something closer to “grandma” (so as not to be confused with “mama”) and Jesse would get mad and yell “MUM!” back at her! He has quite the little attitude!

Ice Cream
I can’t write an article without including this little tidbit I found. is a local Ice Cream maker (Reinholds) that will let you create your own custom flavor of ice cream and then ship it to you packed in dry ice! You get to pick the mix, a base flavor and then “mix-ins” such as candy and nuts. I checked it out (though haven’t ordered any) and there is a nice assortment there. I actually found out about this by catching a program on The Food Network. It’s not cheap (something like $40.00 for 1.5 gal. including shipping) but scoop for scoop costs less than most gourmet ice cream shops. What was really intriguing to me was that they said they would mix almost anything into the ice cream for you. If what you want is not on their list they will get it. If it is something that they cannot get (your own secret cookie dough recipe or something) then you can send some to them and they will mix it in.

I like to experiment with my own ice cream making and flavors, but I still think this is pretty neat as it is professionally made, quality ice cream packaged and labeled with whatever you want to name your flavor. Could be a fun family get-together event to have each person (or family or team) design a flavor and then we could have an “ice cream tasting” to try them all out and maybe pick a favorite. A local non-profit does something like this every year and invites companies to design a flavor.

Well, there are still more thoughts banging around up there, but I don’t want to overload you. Plus I need to catch up on my Bible reading! Next time I will talk about an interesting chocolate site that I came across!