Sunday, August 15, 2004

Trying to Keep Up!

Boy, if that isn't an appropriate title for us, in general. The boys are keeping us busier than ever. It's hard to find the time to tell you about it but we certainly want to share our happenings with you all.

Eric had his first sleepover at his friend Ryan's house Friday night. All went well and he enjoyed it very much. After that, we drove up to a family reunion up north Saturday afternoon. Now Eric, the worldly traveler) is staying at Grammy A's for the week. He had lots of fun playing with his cousin, Jacob (six days younger than he). The big boys liked being "chased" by the little ones although from Jess and Joe's perspective, I think they were just trying to keep up. Either way, all kept VERY busy and had much fun.

Last night on the way back without Eric, we chased the balloon at the Regatta event at Moraine State Park. We got off the exit ramp and had impeccable timing joining in as a chase vehicle. She ended up landing in a nearby campground so it was very exciting and quite the attraction. We kept an overtired Jess up for fireworks which he termed "BIG STARS" and "BIG BOOMS" with many "oohs" and "aahs" and "wows!" It was very cute!

It's brief, but that's our update for now. Hope to have more to report soon (or fill in some of the missing gaps in there). Mis signing off :)