Monday, August 30, 2004

The First Day!

Life is full of firsts. First love, first child, first job…today was Eric’s first day of kindergarten! He got to ride the bus to school and I picked him up at noon. This will be our routine for some time now. He seemed to enjoy his day and is ready to go back tomorrow. He had been to the actual school building a few times as they have had several events to introduce them to school busses, the building and so forth. I think that he will do well and has been ready for this next step.
Jesse was very sad to see Eric go, mostly because he was jealous and wanted to ride on the “wellwow bus!” He so wanted to be like his big brother that he insisted on wearing his own little backpack this morning and would not take it off until almost 11:00! When we went to pick Eric up he was again upset that he didn’t get to go on a bus (just rode in the boring Jeep).

It should be an interesting adjustment for all of us. With Eric away in the morning and Jesse napping in the afternoon, I will get more "one-on-one" time with each of the boys. That will be a nice change.