Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fallin' Flat

So we ventured out on a roadtrip to eastern PA at the beginning of October. It certainly was an adventure. Aside from not knowing exactly where we needed to go a few times, we did have some nice visits in our getaway weekend. We stayed in a new hotel that had an indoor pool and "hot pool" (as Jesse terms a jacuzzi). We visited friends we haven't seen in quite some time. We got to see our friend's new home and spend the day with them on their son's first birthday. He was moving a mile a minute and cute as a button. His big sister is my Godchild who is an unbelievable thirteen now and my sons were quite smitten with her too.

The next day we visited our friend's country store ( who also had a hayride, pumpkin patch and corn maze. This was lots of fun also and it had been YEARS since I've seen those folks which made me feel OLD for my birthday. It was still worth the trip and nice to be amongst old friends. My Mom traveled with us relieving my hubby of parenting duty for the weekend. He's been working diligently to dig us out of the messy house we live in and thankfully progress is being made!

My hubby also did double-duty on Sunday trying to help us remotely as we ended up with a flat tire 150 miles from home. It was thankfully a nice day, the boys were well behaved and WE MADE IT HOME on the donut wheel we were advised to only travel about 50 miles on (which we did at least three times over). It wasn't the BEST trip home, but definitely made it an eventful birthday (I certainly don't care to repeat). Eric optimistically stated that at least we weren't in an accident or hurt so you can't argue with the truth in that!