Sunday, October 29, 2006

Pre-Halloween Partying

Jesse began his Halloween fun on Friday. He paraded around and sang some spooky songs. It was a treat for Mommy to stop in and share in the fun. Jesse was delightfully surprised and exclaimed this when he spotted me parading into the room.

Later that evening, Eric and I went to "Fright Night" at his school for the first time. There was a clown, crafts, story-telling, moonwalk and other treats. The fun evening fortunately was inside (as it was quite rainy out) and ended with watching the Great Pumpkin movie.

Saturday, Eric went to some friend's birthday party and came home looking more like a pirate than himself. Meanwhile, Jesse and I checked out some Halloween fun at Station Square. It was quite crowded so we didn't stay long but took some pictures, colored and got some treats without any tricks from several of the stores.

The last of these pictures shows the fountain at the Point which is difficult to see but currently dyed pink. This is for breast cancer awareness and is quite a sight to see. The weekend is already over but it was nice to be home as we've been on the go quite alot in the past month. November doesn't look to be less busy but a warm vacation is soon coming and we are in the midst of planning and all looking forward to it! Keep checking back as we should soon have a Halloween pictures to share. May you have no tricks and a sweet Halloween holiday.