Tuesday, October 03, 2006

September was JUST DUCKY!

It seems like in a blink of an eye, September was gone! However, in looking back, we thankfully do have lots of pictures capturing some of those moments. So again, in a lump sum, here is a look back.

First, we did our team walk for JDRF. It was a nice day and good jaunt for us all. It is estimated that our team of thirty raised close to $3,500 in only one month's time which is amazing. We were proud to walk for J.R., in memory of his son Matthew and with plenty of team spirit...every step counts!

Then, there was the duck race. This was fundraiser for United Way that took place on Jesse's birthday. He came down to watch/participate. There were 275 ducks and about ten winners. The only prize we took home was a duck...so later (as you can see) we did our own duck thing and went on a tour of the city in one.

In between the bird baths, Jesse helped make his giraffe cake and then everyone got to enjoy it at his DUCKpin bowling party. Jesse left almost no time "to spare" in bowling for almost a constant two hours. The only break was for cake, ice cream and presents which was a score in turning FOUR!

Anyway, that just about sums up our month. One other snapshot in there shows Jon taking on his new role of "Den Leader" for a pack of Wolves (ten 7 & 8 yr olds - same difference!). Good luck to him as I think this will definitely be an important, challenging but fun year and experience for he and Eric and the rest of his troop. I think I would DUCK that responsibility, so I'm glad it's his :)