Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Birthday Adventure

This year, Eric's celebration was somewhat the same but a little different. We had his traditional picnic party at the park (a beautiful day almost always comes with that). Jesse and I were the setup crew this year which actually made it more fun than it usually is for me. He was a great planner, helper and decorator. He takes his work seriously and means business when it comes to getting things done...we work very well together :) This year, between siblings and adding new friends we had more kids than seemed like mayhem. We think we kept them entertained for awhile and hopefully all had some fast fun. Jesse actually went up to Grammy's the next day so we had Eric to ourselves for a couple of days. Jon and he went to see the new Batman movie at the drive-in which he really enjoyed and we went to Kings for a birthday meal...technically, it was for the frownie but we did eat before he indulged in that treat.

By Eric's birthday, the "big" boys were all packed up and ready for camp. Off the scouts went for a long weekend and lots of activities and adventures. Eric was very excited and enjoyed all the different things they get to do. He just became a Webelo and Jon is in charge of those, the Bears and Wolves now (plus probably Tigers coming up this year). Jesse is anxious to participate and has been planning his own camp trip with Daddy for next week after we ship Eric off.