Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The First Wave

Lots to post now...but I figured some explanation should go out with this. Bearing fruit is not what you would expect from our small yard yet some tasty blueberries AND blackberries appeared. They were yummy too. Jon made some fresh blueberry muffins after a co-worker gave us a big bag of fresh and tasty peaches. We didn't really have high hopes but were proud of our small success in growing such fruit around our house.

Those pics are followed by our Waldameer picnic. Lots of sunshine, family, friends and fun filled our day. Those that could and were willing went on the new featured wooden coaster that crosses Peninsula Ave. (at a very fast pace). Those young ones, they yelled out "see ya suckas!" back to "the adult boat" as we approached the big drop on the log ride. What crazy kids we have.