Sunday, August 03, 2008

...& they call it Puppy Love

What were we thinking? That's my other proposed title...but I'll save that one for someday probably not too far down the road. We actually took a "next step" in getting another dog...or I should clarify...a pair of puppies??!! The scoop is that someone distributed an email that had pictures attached of newborn puppies looking for interested future owners. After two rounds of this, we decided to inquire further. Their current location was on our way up north so we stopped there Saturday morning with the boys for a "preview." My clue about this surprise was that they were black and white so Jesse immediately guessed Oreos, but not quite! We all fell in love with them instantly and it was difficult to break away from cuddling up to these adorable little ones. They are only about three weeks old so are not yet ready to go. I'm not sure we're ready for taking on sister siblings but that is what we were thinking and the boys were all in favor of this as well. So, we'll see in the coming weeks what we have to report (or if we end up too busy to do so for awhile!?!), but this is our heads up on what endeavor we may be jumping into next!?! It's probably no surprise....but might be quite an awakening??!!