Sunday, March 22, 2009

March Madness?!?!

It's been a busy month...not ONE day on our calendar is blank, holy cow. This calendar has been helping us to keep it straight and at least know where we're at (well, somewhat). Ok, I think my BlackBerry is part of that too now...both good & bad.

I took Jesse up to Erie a couple wkends back as Eric wasn't feeling well. This weekend we had the Blue & Gold banquet and Jesse started not feeling well off and on. He demonstrated that MUCH further today after a visit to the zoo. Thankfully, he seems to be doing better now but hope that takes us out of the sickness boat for awhile.

Jon surprised us all in composing more new songs at the banquet and both boys got recognized for their achievements and advancement. They also had a talent show and of course they were great in that too. Jesse & I played the Entertainer as a duet (by his suggestion) and Eric played in a trombone quartet. They are so great.

Starting in April, I will actually have every other Friday off from work which will be nice. I have to put in a little more office time (already putting in the extra time most days anyway) on those other days and we're still moving downtown (I think its slated for July) but some things are starting to get ironed out so I think we're moving in the right direction.

Both boys just started taking piano lessons now also (separate books, separate nights, same teacher). They are doing very well...especially with all the practice that is expected, plus Eric has trombone practice on top of that. They have "the music in them" - I'm not sure they can help that but it's neat to see it come into fruition too. They're both doing chess again, in AWANA and soccer will be starting up for both in the next month much more can we squeeze in??!! They're so busy, away and growing up, I sometimes have to instead cuddle with the dogs. The evenings are like a girl parade as they seem to follow me everywhere, it's funny.

That's quite the Crownover catch-up for now. THINK SPRING!