Thursday, March 05, 2009

Show Stoppers

Last night was the School Talent Show...this year - rather than being at the beginning of the show, they were number 25 out of 27! It was a long wait for their moment to shine but well worth it. They were quite the team and fun to watch together. Jesse is experiencing "the fame" that Eric once did his first time up there. He said he can't go anywhere (in school) without being recognized...when asked if that was good or bad, he said "both." Eric shared the limelight well and was an ol' pro at getting up there and delivering the laughs. We were so proud (AGAIN). Grammy and Larry came down and our friend Jill showed up for it as well. She was telling me all the Taylor Swift songs the girls were singing...with it being country I had no idea, I thought (hoped that)"Tim McGraw" was going to be an impersonation. No such luck. Anyway, everyone did so great and I think that anyone getting up on stage at that age is tremendously brave and impressive and it made for a good night!