Sunday, March 29, 2009

Marching into April

Already a new month is already nearing...coming around this week! As for this past weekend, my family from Erie came down to have some fun all together. We colored eggs, had a couple Easter egg hunts (we learned how serious Larry takes hiding eggs), had a big yummy feast by master chef Jon, went to a museum (some of us) and then all went out for a Mexican dinner...& that was just Saturday.

Today has a been a little quieter, we did go to see Monsters vs. Aliens and Eric is now having a play date. I'm a little jealous as the boys have tomorrow AND Friday off this coming week. Also, Eric and Jesse will be providing an encore performance for an assembly at school on Wednesday. A local weatherman is coming to speak and the boys will be his opening act with telling some weather jokes (this is the second time they've been asked to do so in just the past month). Eric is also performing again playing trombone in their spring concert. It looks to be a busy week, but its not surprising with them now being full speed and well again (which is of course a good thing)!