Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April Showers n' Such

Soccer officially started up last Saturday with a bright morning. The boys had alot of fun and that will be our Saturday mornings for the next couple of months. After that, we headed to our friend's birthday bash that afternoon. It was firefighting fantastic. I love that when the firemen showed up, Carter's first question was "Where's your dog?" as he had a dalmation named Sparky on his cake. It was a fun time and great to see friends that we don't see as often anymore, as they live near New Castle now. It was still nice having the occasion to celebrate together with lots of birthday cheer.

This week is a busy one as I travel for work again to Charleston, WV tomorrow to provide more training. I am hoping make it back in time to make it to the Pens/Flyers playoff game #5 too.... & I get Friday off work after ta' boot! WooHoo! I'm a lucky girl. The boys are plenty busy in the meantime with practices and places to be so surely they won't miss a beat...whether it be on the drum or on the piano on the trombone or maybe the guitar...always a joyful noise to be heard (of course, that means little quiet time).

That KDKA picture a ways back there was from a local CBS studio tour our MS Walk team won which was fun for us all. Our walk event is coming right up this Sunday morning also and fundraising continues on and has been going well. The cold and rain should turn to lots of sunshine by the weekend, more to look forward to!

Posting pictures has become immensely easier and quicker too....new laptop with a slot for our camera memory card AND wireless so I am doing so in bed watching (somewhat) TV...mega-multimedia multi-tasking...very cool :)