Sunday, April 05, 2009

How many?

We just rented and watched Marley & Me this past weekend. At the sad end of it, John Grogin posed a somewhat question "How many people do you know like that?" Jesse promptly responded at that quiet, pondering moment saying "FIVE!...Daddy, Mommy, Eric, Cindy & Fudge" :)

With it being Palm Sunday, the boys were warned on the way to church not to whip the palm leaf they would each be receiving around. Jon said they would get no warning they would just be taken away from them. Jesse said "Yes, I got lots of warnings last year." Quite a recollection!

Then, today coming home from church, we were discussing where they could ride their bikes in the afternoon while passing Cemetary Lane. I said maybe they could go there. Eric quickly answered "No, I don't want to ride over Tom's stone." He doesn't know any Tom in particular, just mispronounced the intended tombstone.

I'm still hoping to get and be able to post a good picture that our librarian showed me from last week's big event. For now, there are a couple shots posted on the school's site now too: