Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TUESDAY: Animal Kingdom

Our next adventure was the vast zoo-like wilderness. My Aunt Teri, Mom and Larry joined us on this journey. As we entered the park, Jesse was recruited to play a tom-tom drum for a musician and then Eric joined in on tamborine. They sounded terrific! After that, our first stop was the safari where we got bounced around while catching great glimpses of many animals. The next event was Everest...let's just say this one didn't sit well with me this time around. While the boys were off whirling around in Dino land, the "elders" walked some trails and checked out more of the terrain. We met up later to check out Rafiki's Planet, the Lion King show and It's Tough to Be A Bug show within the central Tree of Life. Although we decided to leave in the afternoon, the boys chose to stick around to go on Everest again before heading home. Just after they did so, a bird "got Eric" so they decided to head home to freshen him up a bit.

That evening, my Mom and I drove out to St. Cloud to visit my Dad's oldest sister. Although she was in the hospital, she recognized us and was very happy that we came to visit her. It was nice to see her and her daughter again after so many years. I'm glad we were able to bring her some cheer and catch up after so much lost time. Although our Disney days surely kept us busy, we are lucky to have relatives from both (of my) sides in the area that we were able to visit a bit also on our vacation too!

PLEASE NOTE: My "boys" reference almost always includes Jon too...we wouldn't leave our kids in an area or park on their own...at least not yet :)