Monday, August 01, 2011

Excited to Fly!

We all started to head in different directions by mid-July. Eric went with the youth group to Mission Possible. Jesse & the dogs hung out with my Mom in Erie. Jon flew his 82 year old grandmother, a.k.a. Nan, to Asheville, NC to see family. This was the first time she flew on a commercial flight and it was quite an adventure. They had a nice time and got the chance to visit with her siblings and their families.

As for me, I just got to go to work that week...not too exciting. However, I had some party planning to do for Eric's annual picnic. By Saturday, we were all reunited and surrounded again by family and friends to celebrate on his big day. The weather forecast looked iffy, but it still turned out to be a beautiful (be it HOT) afternoon. To help with the heat, we had water warfare...water balloons, water guns & outright soaking tactics. Just about everyone was in on it (whether they wanted to be or not) & there was not a dry eye left in the place by the time it was over :)
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