Sunday, May 30, 2004

The boy plays hard ball! Posted by Hello

A wonderful family memoir from our Memorial Day weekend :) Posted by Hello

Eric & Mommy :) Posted by Hello

All that & a bag of chips...Eric races to scavenge them up as not to share! Posted by Hello

Here are the Happy Campers (well, I wouldn't call it Survivor in the front yard!?!) Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 27, 2004


Bittersweet is great for chocolate but not always for other things. I guess it depends on the ratio of bitter to sweet. Everyone knows that I like my sweets. So what is it that I find so bittersweet? Well, today is our anniversary...and I am not even home with my wife. Okay, so it’s my own fault. I decided to go gallivanting with the boys. And granted, Missy had to work today (and tomorrow) anyway, so what kind of a celebration would we have had? But still, that has to be just a little bit bitter.

We will get to celebrate this weekend though, as we go to watch another couple begin their married life together. People tend to look backwards on anniversaries and other symbolic events. They want to remember, recapture,, re re. Over the past five years we have had great times, a beautiful wedding and started a family with the addition of two unbelievably incredible boys. We have been through good times and bad.

People also tend to look to the future at times like these...”Here’s to 50 more!”...”Wishing you a long and happy life together!”...yada, yada, yada. “Are you going to have any more kids?”...”Are you going back to school? Looking for another job?” Even with each other...”will you still love me when I’m old and gray?”

Funny thing, no matter where we’ve been or where we’re going...right here is where we are. I have a beautiful, thoughtful and simply amazing woman who freely admits (usually) to being my wife and inspires me by simply being her! We have two miraculous gifts from God that never cease to amuse, amaze, and teach me in so many ways. We have a place to call home and lack nothing that we truly need. We share a faith in God with each other and those around us that makes us a part of something so much bigger than ourselves. We are healthy and well and what else can I say?

On this anniversary I don’t need to reflect on the past or await the future to know that this is where it’s at! This is what life is all about! I didn’t miss it, I’m not waiting for it to come...I am living it right now! And that is definitely as sweet as it gets!

Right here, right now, there is no other place I’d rather be!

Except maybe home.

Choo! Choo!

Yesterday the boys and I embarked on a grand adventure. We road the train from Pittsburgh to Lewistown to visit with Grandma and Grandpa. The trip went pretty well. Missy drove us to the station and waited with us until it was time to board. After kisses and hugs were doled out we proceeded to board the train with me carrying Jesse, our combined bag and Jesse’s car seat and Eric carrying his own booster seat.

Before we even left the station people were talking to us and commenting on the boys. There was an older woman sitting diagonally in front of us who said that Jesse was quite bright. She was impressed with how many of his words that she could understand (including "choo choo!")adding that she has a niece the same age who speaks only gibberish. She boarded with us at Pittsburgh and was traveling to Philadelphia to attend a wedding.

We finally started moving and the real adventure began! It was fun for me to try to figure out just where we were sometimes, as the train provides a different perspective, traveling where there are not roads. I was impressed with how much leg room the train affords. Much more than a plane or bus. Jesse enjoyed being able to walk in front of Eric and me to the window.

About thirty minutes into the trip they announced that the snack car was now open. A woman seated diagonally behind us offered to bring something back for us, commenting that it looked like I had my hands full. Jesse later started playing peek-a-boo with her, over my shoulder. I declined the offer but was impressed with her kind gesture. I planned to use the short walk to the snack car as a distraction for the boys later, if needed.

Later came sooner than I thought. I was quickly realizing my error in not bringing some small toys, books or other things to occupy the boys. I guess that I am used to driving and not having to interact so closely (literally) with both of them. Jesse was constantly up and down and occasionally screaming at Eric (Jesse’s new weapon in the struggles of being a younger brother). So we got up and walked to the snack car where we got juice for the boys, pop for me (I really wanted coffee but didn’t trust that it wouldn’t get spilled on Jesse) and a cinnamon roll for all of us to share.

That went pretty well until Jesse decided to kick my drink onto our bag and the floor. Luckily I had finished most of it already, so it was half ice that fell. It seems that I was able to keep my composure in tact as later the older couple across the aisle from us commented on me having “A lot of patience.” At one point I noticed that the gentleman was asleep. Jesse noticed this too and began to make fun of him by pretending that he was snoring. It was pretty cute! We later discovered that the couple had begun their journey in Three Rivers, Michigan and were traveling to Harrisburg (actually Hannover) to visit their son who is helping with a sprint car racing team in that area.

We finally completed the trek about four hours after we began when the train stopped at the Lewistown station and Grandma was there waiting for us. All in all it was a good trip. I must say though, that I was a little disappointed with the scenery. I expected some nice views through the mountains, but it would seem that Western PA has too much green! All of the trees blocked the view quite well, much of the time.

All Aboard!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

My Move! Posted by Hello

Strategy! Posted by Hello

Today's Picnic

This afternoon we visited with some fellow balloon crew up at Moraine State Park. Beautiful day, yummy food and a nice surprise celebration for a recently engaged couple.

The local monster truck rally - two little monsters & their trucks :) Posted by Hello

We all had the rare occasion of petting the kangaroo on our zoo trip yesterday (AND take a picture of it!?!) Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Who Had More Fun?

Yesterday, Eric and I went to see Shreck 2. We had a good time, sharing popcorn, lemonade and lot's of laughs. I liked it as much as the first one.

Missy and Jesse had fun too, so don't feel bad for them. They went to Blockbuster and rented a kid's movie and then they came home and made oatmeal cookies! The only evidence left however, is the pictures below. I can tell you this...those were good cookies!

Our family sure knows how to have fun!

Look what Mommy and I made... Posted by Hello

Cookies! Posted by Hello

Peekaboo! Posted by Hello

Shared Authoring

Yes, there is another blogger in the family who doesn't have anything interesting to add at this point...just proving that she can :)

Maybe after tomorrow's presentation she can try to focus on more fun things to write about or upload!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

What a croc! Posted by Hello

Our last trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo included seeing these five sister crocadiles being released into a public exibit area for the first time. The handler told us that they were born in 1999 and the crocs that we had previously seen in this space were their parents. Mom and Dad were going to be relocated to an indoor exibit space.  Posted by Hello

Rain, rain go away

It doesn't sound like it will be going away anytime soon. I told you about going to Eric's grade school yeasterday. Well, shortly after we returned home it began to storm, quite hard. I really didn't think much about it until later that evening when someone called to cancel a meeting that Missy was to attend, "due to the flooding." I caught the news later that night and McKnight Road (a six lane road with lot's of traffic lights through a retail/business district) had three feet of water during the worst of the storm. This was the same section that we had driven on less than twenty minutes prior to the rain. The miniture golf course near our house (some of you have been there) was also pretty much wiped out.

All of the spots that had flash flood problems were the typical spots for this in the township, but this was the worst that anyone in the area could remember. Fortunately there was only one idio...I mean, poor unfortunate motorist...who was stranded in the McKnight Road water and she was safely helped from her car by a good samaritan. I swear, some people would try to drive through a lake if they thought that the road used to be there.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

School's ...... in?!

Okay. I know that it's almost time for school to be OUT, but Eric got to see what will be his new school for the first time today. They had an orientation session for the kindergarten students today. It was only about a half hour long with the kids in one of the class rooms and the parents sequestered away in the music room (they didn't even give us instruments!?).

I knew that one of the things that they did was read a book (thanks to a parent spy who went to peak in near the end of the half hour). So I asked Eric about the book and then asked him what else they did. He promptly replied, "We had a little snack! It was cookies and I did not save you any!" He sounded quite happy about that too (not saving me any)!

Oh, well. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

What a zoo!

No, I don't just mean life here with the boys (though it often is)! On Monday Eric, Jesse and I drove up to Erie to Grammy's house where we met aunt Christi and cousin Joe and all went to the New and Improved Erie Zoo. It was a very nice trip. The boys got along well, trading places in the wagon that I was pulling and checking out all of the animals. There were several very nice additions made specifically for the kids, including several different play areas and a handsome new carousel. We all rode the carousel with Joe on a zebra, Jesse on a bear and Eric on a manatee!

The boys and I then spent the night a Grammy's and retuned to Pittsburgh the next day.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Two boys with beards! Posted by Hello

Test Blog

This is my first attempt at blogging, so I just wanted to see how all of this would look. Check back for soon the real deal.