Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Rain, rain go away

It doesn't sound like it will be going away anytime soon. I told you about going to Eric's grade school yeasterday. Well, shortly after we returned home it began to storm, quite hard. I really didn't think much about it until later that evening when someone called to cancel a meeting that Missy was to attend, "due to the flooding." I caught the news later that night and McKnight Road (a six lane road with lot's of traffic lights through a retail/business district) had three feet of water during the worst of the storm. This was the same section that we had driven on less than twenty minutes prior to the rain. The miniture golf course near our house (some of you have been there) was also pretty much wiped out.

All of the spots that had flash flood problems were the typical spots for this in the township, but this was the worst that anyone in the area could remember. Fortunately there was only one idio...I mean, poor unfortunate motorist...who was stranded in the McKnight Road water and she was safely helped from her car by a good samaritan. I swear, some people would try to drive through a lake if they thought that the road used to be there.