Thursday, May 27, 2004


Bittersweet is great for chocolate but not always for other things. I guess it depends on the ratio of bitter to sweet. Everyone knows that I like my sweets. So what is it that I find so bittersweet? Well, today is our anniversary...and I am not even home with my wife. Okay, so it’s my own fault. I decided to go gallivanting with the boys. And granted, Missy had to work today (and tomorrow) anyway, so what kind of a celebration would we have had? But still, that has to be just a little bit bitter.

We will get to celebrate this weekend though, as we go to watch another couple begin their married life together. People tend to look backwards on anniversaries and other symbolic events. They want to remember, recapture,, re re. Over the past five years we have had great times, a beautiful wedding and started a family with the addition of two unbelievably incredible boys. We have been through good times and bad.

People also tend to look to the future at times like these...”Here’s to 50 more!”...”Wishing you a long and happy life together!”...yada, yada, yada. “Are you going to have any more kids?”...”Are you going back to school? Looking for another job?” Even with each other...”will you still love me when I’m old and gray?”

Funny thing, no matter where we’ve been or where we’re going...right here is where we are. I have a beautiful, thoughtful and simply amazing woman who freely admits (usually) to being my wife and inspires me by simply being her! We have two miraculous gifts from God that never cease to amuse, amaze, and teach me in so many ways. We have a place to call home and lack nothing that we truly need. We share a faith in God with each other and those around us that makes us a part of something so much bigger than ourselves. We are healthy and well and what else can I say?

On this anniversary I don’t need to reflect on the past or await the future to know that this is where it’s at! This is what life is all about! I didn’t miss it, I’m not waiting for it to come...I am living it right now! And that is definitely as sweet as it gets!

Right here, right now, there is no other place I’d rather be!

Except maybe home.