Tuesday, May 18, 2004

School's ...... in?!

Okay. I know that it's almost time for school to be OUT, but Eric got to see what will be his new school for the first time today. They had an orientation session for the kindergarten students today. It was only about a half hour long with the kids in one of the class rooms and the parents sequestered away in the music room (they didn't even give us instruments!?).

I knew that one of the things that they did was read a book (thanks to a parent spy who went to peak in near the end of the half hour). So I asked Eric about the book and then asked him what else they did. He promptly replied, "We had a little snack! It was cookies and I did not save you any!" He sounded quite happy about that too (not saving me any)!

Oh, well. That's the way the cookie crumbles.