Thursday, May 27, 2004

Choo! Choo!

Yesterday the boys and I embarked on a grand adventure. We road the train from Pittsburgh to Lewistown to visit with Grandma and Grandpa. The trip went pretty well. Missy drove us to the station and waited with us until it was time to board. After kisses and hugs were doled out we proceeded to board the train with me carrying Jesse, our combined bag and Jesse’s car seat and Eric carrying his own booster seat.

Before we even left the station people were talking to us and commenting on the boys. There was an older woman sitting diagonally in front of us who said that Jesse was quite bright. She was impressed with how many of his words that she could understand (including "choo choo!")adding that she has a niece the same age who speaks only gibberish. She boarded with us at Pittsburgh and was traveling to Philadelphia to attend a wedding.

We finally started moving and the real adventure began! It was fun for me to try to figure out just where we were sometimes, as the train provides a different perspective, traveling where there are not roads. I was impressed with how much leg room the train affords. Much more than a plane or bus. Jesse enjoyed being able to walk in front of Eric and me to the window.

About thirty minutes into the trip they announced that the snack car was now open. A woman seated diagonally behind us offered to bring something back for us, commenting that it looked like I had my hands full. Jesse later started playing peek-a-boo with her, over my shoulder. I declined the offer but was impressed with her kind gesture. I planned to use the short walk to the snack car as a distraction for the boys later, if needed.

Later came sooner than I thought. I was quickly realizing my error in not bringing some small toys, books or other things to occupy the boys. I guess that I am used to driving and not having to interact so closely (literally) with both of them. Jesse was constantly up and down and occasionally screaming at Eric (Jesse’s new weapon in the struggles of being a younger brother). So we got up and walked to the snack car where we got juice for the boys, pop for me (I really wanted coffee but didn’t trust that it wouldn’t get spilled on Jesse) and a cinnamon roll for all of us to share.

That went pretty well until Jesse decided to kick my drink onto our bag and the floor. Luckily I had finished most of it already, so it was half ice that fell. It seems that I was able to keep my composure in tact as later the older couple across the aisle from us commented on me having “A lot of patience.” At one point I noticed that the gentleman was asleep. Jesse noticed this too and began to make fun of him by pretending that he was snoring. It was pretty cute! We later discovered that the couple had begun their journey in Three Rivers, Michigan and were traveling to Harrisburg (actually Hannover) to visit their son who is helping with a sprint car racing team in that area.

We finally completed the trek about four hours after we began when the train stopped at the Lewistown station and Grandma was there waiting for us. All in all it was a good trip. I must say though, that I was a little disappointed with the scenery. I expected some nice views through the mountains, but it would seem that Western PA has too much green! All of the trees blocked the view quite well, much of the time.

All Aboard!