Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Adding a Comment.

There has been some confusion about how to add a comment to an article or picture so I will review the optioins here. Below you can see a screen shot of the page that you are taken to when you attempt to add a comment. (If you click on this picture it will take you to the actual page, but don't complete this process there or your comment will not end up where you want it.) It asks you for a user name and pass word. At this point you can do one of two things.

1. Directly below the "Sign In" button there is a link to "post anonymously". You may click on that and add your comment. Just be sure to put your name at the bottom so we know who commented.

2. At the bottom of the page it has the option to set up a blogger account. If you go through that process you can then choose a username and password to use each time you wish to add a comment and it will identify that you posted it. This method would also allow you to start your own personal blog!

I hope this helps you!