Friday, June 11, 2004

What's On The Menu?

Today, while we were eating lunch, Eric was demanding to know what we would be having for supper. I told him that I had not decided yet so, he informed me that he was going to decide. Thinking for just a moment he exclaimed, “Pancakes and Grapenuts!”  I inquired as to whether the Grapenuts were to be IN the pancakes or in addition to them and he stated that they were to be IN them. Later he qualified that by saying that when the pancakes were almost cooked we should put “the stuff” in the middle. We had tomato soup and fresh applesauce for lunch, so I reminded him that we should probably have some kind of meat for dinner and began to list what kinds of meat we had. He quickly suggested chicken nuggets (which was not one that I had mentioned). Hmm, sounds like an interesting menu to me!?!


Eric is definitely not the star eater in our family, but he does have some favorites. The last time that we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa (on our train trip) Eric even volunteered to help with supper. Grandma had just come home from work and both of the boys (and I) were quite hungry. Mom was going to make chicken and waffles and I had to smell the chicken in the crock pot all day. Jesse was getting fussy and I was eager to eat so I asked Mom if she needed any help with supper. She replied that she did not and Eric quickly chimed in with “I will help with the eating part!”


About a month ago we decided to start using the small ice cream freezer that I have had for some time but rarely used (surprising for how much we all love ice cream). I had asked Eric if he wanted to help me make the mix. He said yes and then went into the living room to watch a movie with Mommy and Jesse. After cleaning up the kitchen a bit I got started, deciding that there really wasn’t much for Eric to help with since I needed to cook the mix. I proceeded to make the mix, cool it and then freeze it. Several times during the freezing process I brought Eric a spoonful to sample (the freezer has an opening in the top for adding things to the mix). When the ice cream was finished he realized that he had not helped to make it and expressed his disappointment. I assured him that he indeed was a help as he was my official taster. This seemed to be a good enough explanation for him. After we ate our ice cream he seemed to be in deep thought. All of a sudden, he excitedly proposed “Hey Daddy! We should open an ice cream store and make lots of different kinds of ice cream! I can be the taster and taste all of the kinds!”


Such a helpful lad! That’s my boy!