Saturday, June 19, 2004


Well, another visit to another zoo. Eric, Jess and I went up to Erie for a short weekend trip. We ventured to their zoo this a.m. on Member Day (free train ride, carousel ride, hotdog and pop. It was actually COLD and a little wet, but then again, it wasn't crowded. We had fun and saw lots of sights different from our usual zoo and trail of animals. The Erie Zoo had a lot of rennovations and new stuff which was fun to check out. It's VERY DIFFERENT from when I grew up, but then again - we're talking 30 years and I would now expect newer and better stuff.

Our trip included Larry and "Aunt Sue" who Eric was just DYING to see the whole time. He enjoyed his time with her (and the rest of us) and is looking forward to even more quality time again with our trip to FL together in LESS THAN A WEEK -AAGGHHH!!! So little done, so much to do and so little time left!?!?! We'll manage and the point is: we're going!

As for a little background on the rest of this weekend, we saw Uncle Craig and Grammy on Friday night. Grammy had a meeting so was gone all day Saturday and Uncle Craig had to work. The three Crownover fellows were left on their own in Pittsburgh for a couple nights and day of fun in male bonding. Eric was invited but opted to road trip with Mommy (from what I can tell mostly to visit with Aunt Sue from all of his inquisition throughout our journey).

So, I'll include a few pictures from our weekend adventure. Enjoy! This week is looking to be very busy, so you may not hear back again until July with the FL update and Mickey pictures! Can't wait (for it to COME, not be OVER WITH to report on) :)