Monday, June 21, 2004

It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s…Super Dad!!!

Sunday was father’s day and in the tradition of all proud fathers who came before me, I wore my gift all day, like a badge of honor. What was it, you ask? A bad tie? Silly socks? No. This was WAY better than that! For I had bestowed upon me the official title of “Super Dad,” knowledge of which shall here-to-for be conveyed to the general (non-superhero) public by the wearing of the official “Super Dad” T-shirt!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. This was just an honorary title, like an honorary doctorate given to some big celebrity. While it may not have included the accompanying tights and cape, I am certain that this is the real deal. After all, I am able to catch falling children in mid-air, change a diaper faster than a toddler can run away…one handed, and interpret words like “na na” (milk) and “la la” (Jesse’s moniker for me, which recently changed to Dada)! I am able to make boo boos disappear with a single kiss and a bandage! And answer questions like, “Why do people have heads?” (So they can talk, eat and see each other).

I got comments and stares of awe and wonder every place that we went. The checkout girl said that she got her father the same shirt (more proud inductees into this elite club). At the playground later that day, while I was leaping to Jesse’s aid, a small boy appeared wearing a blue shirt with a big “S” on the chest. We both paused. He smiled and said “I like your shirt!” I returned the compliment and then we both flew our separate ways. I could see guys giving me knowing nods of approval in my super peripheral vision. Later, with both of my children in tow, a mom pushing a young girl in a stroller on the other side of the road smiled at me and said that she like my shirt, no doubt having dreams of being rescued by a Super Dad of her own!

Sorry lady, but this Super Dad is taken! I’ve got a true superhero wife and two super kids! And we superheroes have a higher moral standard which must be upheld! A code of honor that must not be broken! I have to admit that being a superhero (Dad) is lots of fun and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I love spending all day helping, playing, kissing, hugging, teaching and learning. Now if I could only get Missy to wear that Wonder Woman outfit…!