Tuesday, June 01, 2004


So, maybe there really IS something to this Oedipus complex. I never really gave it that much credence before. Eric and I left Mommy and Jesse at home for the second half of Memorial Day weekend and went camping.  Sure, it was only in the front yard, but it was still an adventure. Eric was quite excited to gather supplies for us, like books and toys. I set up the tent, some chairs and even a little portable grill that we had a small fire in. Missy seemed nearly overcome with emotion as she watched her little boy acting all grown up and serious about our little trip. Okay, maybe she wasn’t THAT emotional, but she did comment on how cute he was acting. Later she would ask him why he was growing up so fast, explaining that he will eventually grow up and move away from her. Eric was quick to offer a solution that would make her feel better, “Maybe we can just kick Daddy out of the house!” Hmm, this would not be the first time he has expressed this desire. He has previously asked Missy when she would “be done marrying Daddy” so that he could marry her!


I had left the rain fly off of the tent so that we could see the stars through the netting in the roof. Wouldn’t you know, around 12:30 AM I woke to the sounds of scattered rain drops? After waiting a few minutes to determine that it was actually rain and that it was not going to stop, I went outside the tent and put the rain fly on. No more than 15 minutes after this it began to rain quite hard and continued to rain for the rest of the morning. The tent held up pretty well. Around 6:00 AM it really started to pour down! This woke Eric up. Surprisingly, just a very small amount of water had leaked in the front seam at the base. We stayed in the tent until about 6:30 or so, hoping that it would slow, but it never did. So we trekked in the front door (a whole 15 feet away) where Missy greeted us with a smile.


There seems to be a direct connection between the tent going up and rain coming down. I had set it up in the yard a few weeks ago to inspect it and let it air out after being packed away all winter. It rained pretty hard that night. The last time that it was used for actual camping, the boys, grandpa and I took it to Greenwood State Park for a trip. I can’t recall if it was the first day or the second, but I do remember that it absolutely poured! I’m talking torrential downpour! Water was leaking in everywhere and we abandoned camp, escaping to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Adam and Dad and I later went back to collect and salvage everything.


I was thinking that maybe we could start camping in all of the drought stricken parts of the world. Surely the people would be glad when our tent brought them much needed rain! Then again, maybe I should wait a few years and do this alone. After all, it sounds as if I might not have a place to live!