Friday, April 29, 2005

Change is Good!

Well, it's been quite the week for adjusting. New job, new car, new schedule - WOW! A little weird and overwhelming, but it went well and it seems to be working fine for all. I'm also posting a picture of the new car. I can't post a picture of my new job but their site is if you're interested in more information about their business. I'm learning more and more about it each day now too.

The folks I'm working with only moved into this new building just four weeks ago so it's quite "new" to us all. It's beautiful with lots of windows around to see downtown just across the river. When you walk in or out of the building you are right next to PNC Park (new baseball stadium) so it definitely has the city flavor of Pittsburgh. I haven't had any problems with traffic, parking or navigating my way around either. It's only five miles away from home too and the first day I was already parked in only seven minutes. I feel quite appreciated and there seems like a lot of potential within the organization so I remain optimistic about my decision and new road being traveled so far.

My youngest son wants to "Find Elmo" in a book now (although we both know he already knows all of his hiding spots) as it is his desire to "read a book." Although I am still quite tired in the evenings after work, I am finally sleeping better and surely glad it's FRIDAY!!! Happy Weekend to you!