Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Well, I got an offer I just couldn't refuse. Believe me, I really even tried once (to refuse it) too. I took a position where I will be working in a brand new building right next to our baseball stadium. It is a career move to apply what I already know and expand this further with new backend systems and a wider ranged toolset and user base at a very stable utility company. That's as technical as I'll get on it for now. I'll have a colleague that knows the same kind of stuff as me as a point of reference - we engaged in techie talk for about 2 & 1/2 hrs straight when we first met. This should buy me ramp up time alot quicker than I ever had where I was for the last five years. It's a bittersweet move as in the ups and downs of my five years at my current workplace, there was comfort in both the job and the staff. There is alot I took for granted and much that I'll miss, but probably just as much benefit in making this move. The opportunity presented itself more than one time to me and my perspective had changed a great deal over this time too. Whether it amounts to a short term or long term endeavor (I will be a consultant at least through the end of this year), I believe that I will gain valuable knowledge and experience in the next few months to carry me through whatever comes next. Anyway, that's basically the scoop. I'll be starting there in less than two weeks! I hope to be able to stop my mind from swirling and get some sleep sometime between now and then but to date have not been too successful with this. I had expressed many times now that I had no intention or reason to burn any bridges with my departure. As my boss phrased "oh no, remember where you live now, we NEED bridges" - HOW TRUE!!!