Monday, April 04, 2005

Spring-ing WHAT On Us?

Apparently SNOW! It’s been a long time since we’ve seen snow in April. Eric claims someone is playing tricks on us as we are not supposed to have snow in spring. In hearing from those north of us though, we are thankful we did not get pounded with the lake effect snow as they got quite a load -much more than us. Although we got more than three inches, most of it was gone within just one day with the temperatures staying above freezing and going up (hopefully a firm trend now).

In other news, we got a piano! Free….well, we rented a $17 piano dolly and bought supper for our delivery team, but that’s just about the best price you could get for such a gift. Someone that a family member knew didn’t want it anymore and knowing that I’ve ALWAYS wanted one, my mother went and looked at it and then went back to haul it from there to our place. It’s about 80 yrs old – considered an upright grand piano (as Jon did some research on it). Ironically and I’ve (sort of) been teasing in saying that I can play almost as well as I did in 6th grade. Some of the songs in the books have stamped “approval” from my past lessons - one of those being a past-time favorite of mine - a smurf. It’s funny – because those that knew me back then remembered that I could actually play fairly decent (and frequently performed) at that young age so they thought that was a good report. We teased about the “old dog, new tricks” theory. However, this is just an old dog relearning old tricks. Relatively speaking, I know I’m not THAT OLD – just feel it trying to recall the ability I had nearly abandoned about fifteen years ago. Now with Jon and Eric’s guitars, Jesse with some maracas and the piano, we might eventually have quite the band one day! I’ll probably drive the rest of my family members nuts with the refinement process, but it’s quite nice to welcome that aspect of music back into my life.

In other news, both boys have had recent success too – Jesse with an entire “dry day” and Eric with a “dry night.” Let’s hope the success continues! On the other end of the spectrum, two more friends of ours had babies just this past week – a girl early on Wed, boy earlier on Fri! That’s A DOZEN new babies that we know of just in this new year – WOW! Tending to be a ‘girl’ year, they’re “ahead” so far, 10 – 2, including three sets of girl twins! Amazing, eh? No – none for us though, the male imbalance in our household is permanent and we’re quite fine with that!