Thursday, April 14, 2005


Below are some pictures of the progress made on my spring projects. I successfully extended the life of our picnic table for another season or two after removing some rotting wood. Eric picked the new color of blue. What made it that much nicer is that it was completed with resources already at hand, costing us $0.00!

The next project is removal of the small deck behind our house and reuse of the wood to extend the even smaller deck on the front of the house. While I don’t yet have a picture, I actually completed removal of the rear deck already. It should be nice to have a slightly larger yard in the back and enough room to sit and enjoy the view in the front. I thought that grandpa would be interested in the picture of how I fastened Tuckers pole to the house. He had previously helped me attach it to the deck for stability (that dog is just too strong!). The plank is bolted to the wall and the pole fastened to the plank.

Stay tuned for more pictures.