Saturday, April 23, 2005

Change is in the Wind

WOW! A possibility of snow (up to an inch) for tomorrow! Cold, wind & rain has moved in now with a bleak weather forecast. This is going to have to be a QUICK update as it is a very busy time of transition at present. Eric's performance on Thursday went GREAT! He did an absolutely wonderful job and was very excited about it as well. I posted a picture but we videotaped his act as well and if you get the chance to see it, that will surely provide you with the proof (and quite a few chuckles probably too!).

I MADE IT! My last day at SAE was Friday. It was bittersweet but mostly enjoyable saying goodbye to the old and looking forward to the new. My supervisor greeted me with a dozen longstem yellow roses which looked and smelled wonderful. They also bought bagels as morning treat and took me out to lunch so it was a nice farewell. It hasn't completely sunk in yet but surely will soon. I also received "confessions" from co-workers having intentions of moving on soon so surely SAE is in for some more significant changes in the near future. Not all of this news was new to me but surely will be for others.

Anyway, we're hoping to tie up some loose ends this weekend with deck work (even in bad weather) and possibly a car purchase thrown in there too (!?!) so we'll keep you posted as to our other updates as they happen time and time again it seems.