Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Christmas Show

Well, today was the day. The most frequent comment to us afterward was that Eric "played the part well." He was a very realistic sheep that did not "act" like a person with the exception of the song they sang and an occasional wave to Mom, Daddy & JESSE. Many "baaas", tossing around in the hay and sniffing fellow cast members were part of his convincing performance. It was a great job by all. A camel got sick at the last minute so there was only one who was 4 yrs old and he "belted out" a solo wonderfully. Jesse cheered them all on and was very well behaved during the show too. I tried to balance the video and digital camera so I'm hoping the video captured more of the full effect which we'd be happy to show you sometime soon as well. We may have TWO animals in a show next year, I can't even imagine what kind of performance that might be!

Today will be rounded out by going to a Christmas Cookie Bake-Off at Eric's Godmother's house this afternoon. Eric & Jon are doing some prep work before heading over there as visions of sugarplums dance in Jess's head (well I hope, as it seems quiet up there for naptime so far).

'Tis the season certainly seems appropriate now as we head into the "final week" of preparations before Christmas. It is quite "white" outside and I think we're above 3 inches of snow just this morning and more is on it's way down. Jesse wanted to put his boots and head out in it so I don't think it'll be long until we add in a snowman and snow angels into our Christmas decor. Merry Christmas!!!