Sunday, December 19, 2004


Last evening, Eric and I were trying to decide what to have as a game for his class party on Thursday. He repeatedly suggested pin the tail or nose on the reindeer. I thought it would make it funny/amusing to do both myself. Anyway, Eric proceeds to tell me that I can make the big reindeer head and body. He'll make the red collar with bells and the horns because he is really good at that. He said "Oh, and I can also make the hoobs". I responded with they are "hooVes". He said, "ok, but horses have hoobs". I could do nothing but laugh. So, we'll have to see what we come up with by Thursday for partytime. It should be interesting as I have not spent much time with his class as Jon has helped out on occasion, but I don't have much opportunity with working. I've heard plenty about a few of the kids though so it should be interesting to see them in action!