Thursday, December 02, 2004

A Good Day

It’s interesting what makes for a good day. There are things now in my list of criteria that I never would have guessed would be there a few years ago. Like today: We were actually ready EARLY for walking Eric to the bus stop; At 1:30 in the afternoon Eric still has dry underwear; Jesse made a healthy mess IN the potty! Who would have thought that these things would make for a good day? The day is not done yet though. Hopefully Jesse will take a nice nap (seems to be fighting that a bit), Eric and I are going to attempt making an apple pie, I need to do some laundry and still have plans to make roast beef for dinner. Missy has a meeting tonight and our car could cease working at any moment (as per the mechanic). So, not to be pessimistic, but there is still time for things to go wrong. I guess we’ll try to stick with the “glass half full” mentality and…Uh oh, Jesse is out of his bed again! Now Eric is yelling at him and making him cry even more! Well, it WAS a good day!