Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Fine Dining & Such

A post is long overdue although my priority is always sharing the pictures as they can say a thousand words (even without a caption) and probably bring the biggest smiles. So, November blew right on by with the wind which was whipping pretty good tonight here too.

Last month, Chef Eric and his waiter Jesse served me a wonderful dinner. There was even an apology from the chef about the waiter's manners and live music (drum and guitar). It was quite the at-home elegance, if ever there could be :)

So anyway, from rolling in the leaves to Thanksgiving for a dear nephew now age two, time has been zipping by faster than we can type out to say so. Plenty of holiday preparations are in the works: decorating trees, writing letters and greetings, shopping, making cookies, gingerbread houses along with bell and sheep practice (albeit a little unusual). There is lots to share in this time of preparation and we're happy to be able to share it with you even in this venue...so CHEERS!