Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Wrapping It Up

WOW! Another year nearly over already and it has been a busy one. Christmas has been good to us all. We were fortunate to spend some quality time with some friends and our families during this wonderful time of year.

Our "deck the halls" holiday tradition with Eric's Godmother continued on with making and decorating cookies. She has two cats that the boys really enjoyed playing with in the visit to her new home. Lots of sweets and treats followed by some spectacular light display in the neighborhood led us into the home stretch of the Christmas week.

Then there were three kids + three dogs in our house on Christmas Eve (plus 6 adults) which certainly kept things interesting. It was a nice ham dinner with fixings followed up by icing more cookies and a friendly gingerbread house competition. One house looked good and the other one tasted even better! We then recruited my Mom and Larry to help wrap it up on Christmas Eve night (quite the gift to me!) so the boys were excited Christmas morning with many gifts waiting for them under the tree. Eric said he heard the reindeer "hoobs" and knew he had come. He was happy that he got several dragons, games and a cotton candy maker (although Jon may have been most excited for that gift from Santa). Just a dusting of snow came as well providing a beautiful sparkling view.

We then headed to Grandma and Grandpas the next day to visit Jon's family. We all delighted in the exchange of gifts and yummy food there. It also turned into a game fest with Uno, checkers, dominos, tic-tac-toe and other challenges. Eric got a chemistry and magic kit (two separate) which has peaked his interest as well. The boys are staying there for a couple more days while Jon and I came back to "get a handle" on the house and also enjoy some couple time. It's been quiet but fairly productive as I decided not to go into the office this week and need to stop checking my email but that is usually only possible by unplugging the computer.

So as we close out 2004, we look forward to a happy 2005 continuing to share more pictures, thoughts, and treats with you all! CHEERS!